
I am 22 years old, and I do not feel comfortable privately talking to minors.

❥Things to know about me!✭

I am 22 years old, my pronouns are she/her, and I am Bi. WARNING: I Curse a lot, I am a digital artist, I am fascinated by stars, flowers, and other astronomical things, I love wolves and cats and my favorite flowers are delphiniums (surprise lol) and dahlias. I enjoy most music genres but my absolute fav is metalcore, (my fav band is I Prevail). I'm left-handed, I'm a Scorpio (birthday November 21st!), and I am from Kentucky, USA. I have anxiety and lack social skills, so please be patient with me! <3

⁂My current Interests⁂

  • WolfQuest (UserName: Toxic.Delphinium)

  • Obey Me! (Fav Characters: Mammon, Thirteen, Diavolo, and Barbatos)

  • A3! (Fav Characters: Misumi, Kazunari, Azami, and Sakyo)

  • Wolf's Rain (Fav Characters: Toboe and Blue)

  • The Wolf (Name: Delph, Delphinium, Fav skins: Scorpio, Midnight Wolf and Shadow wolf! Also really like the Thundermight and Galaxy wolf, but I do not have them :') )

Things I don't like or that may be an anxiety trigger for me!

  • Ai Art- I will NEVER SUPPORT Ai art. It isn't real art. It never will be, because it is not made by a living being.

  • Pressure- Seriously please do not pressure me into things i do not want to do! whether it be voice calls, face reveals or trying out new series 'n stuff, I'll do it in my own time.

  • Anti-LGBTAQ+ (I am bisexual and I go by my birth pronouns, She/her. I will not tolerate any unironic hate towards this community. If we are not close friends, please use /j if you are joking as it is hard to interpret intentions over the internet.)

  • Racism- (This will never be tolerated on my pages or in chats with me. The only time I would tolerate jokes is if the person is joking about their own race or it's from a goofy tv show with dark humor.)

  • Ageism- (please note my dni is made not out of discrimination, but to avoid any icky-ness. I am a safe adult to be around, however, it is better to just avoid any kind of problems that can be caused. I do not befriend anyone who is more than 5 years younger than me unless they are 18+.)

  • Sexism/misogyny- (As a woman, I will actually go the fuck off on you if you say any misogynistic shit to me or my fellow women whether they are cis or transgender. Joking is one thing (and again use /j if we are not close friends), however, unironic will result in an automatic block.

  • Sexual topics- Somethings I can tolerate, but other things will make me uncomfortable (I'm not very high in social skills nor have I been exposed to certain stuff (this doesn't mean I don't know what you are implying. I'm not "innocent" as some may call it, please be respectful of this.) I will warn you if something makes me uncomfortable or I might give signs with small responses or a simple "lol", I inform you now that when I do, I am not mad or anything so worry not, I'm just letting you know of my boundary ! Jokes are okay, I'm just not the one to have a conversation with on this topic.

  • Confrontation- If you are here to confront me, go ahead but be mindful I may not be as talkative or quick-to-respond. This is one of my huge anxiety triggers and depending on the confrontation level, I may get panicky. If you are wanting to talk to me or about someone to me, PLEASE tell me what it's about, don't just say "Hey! We need to talk!" Just be upfront.

  • Animal Abuse- Whether the animal is domestic or wild, I won't tolerate it. I do not support harm to our domestic animals and I do not support the torture of our wild friends. I only support hunting when it is 1. In season and 2. Prey animals. I do not support the hunting of our predatory animals such as wolves, foxes, coyotes, bears, wild cats, etc. This is a topic I will argue heavily on. (not to mention but these animals are extremely vital to our ecosystems).